Trying to Find Simple Pleasures With Postpartum DepressionBeing a mother is one of the most fantastic feelings you can experience. On the flip side of that coin, though, motherhood is one of the most overwhelming experiences someone...Reactions0reactions
Intimacy and Postpartum Depression After an Ectopic PregnancyThe first thing you're told when you're pregnant, or after you've delivered a baby (alive or deceased, vaginally or via cesarean section) is that you can't be intimate with your...Reactions0reactions
It's Okay to CryA couple feelings that I find often accompany my postpartum depression are those of guilt and shame. I tend to feel these things because I'll find myself getting caught up...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression or Not Meant to Be a Mom?As someone who works in mental health and a mother of 2, following online postpartum groups like Reddit have been so helpful. These are rooms where mothers come and share...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Anxiety and Depression After My Ectopic PregnancyDear community, please be patient with me. This is one of the hardest, most vulnerable articles I've shared. I shared in part one some of my history with postpartum mood...Reactions0reactions
Cutting Out the Noise to Focus on You and Your New BabyMotherhood has changed me in ways I couldn't have imagined. Before my baby arrived, I was the person people relied on to solve their problems. It didn't matter if it...Reactions0reactions
Nothing Fits in My Postpartum SeasonEver find yourself in your closet trying to get ready for an event and feel like none of your clothes fit anymore and you declare that you just can't go?...Reactions0reactions
From Unprotected Childhood to Overprotective MotherhoodContent Note: This article describes abuse. If you or a loved one are struggling, consider reading our mental health resources page. As a child, I never felt safe. My parents...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression, Stress, and the Effect on BreastfeedingBreastfeeding can be hard, but add to that the diagnosis of postpartum depression (PPD) and you might end up having a harder time managing it. There are so many outside...Reactions0reactions
My Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) HistoryMy husband and I spent 7 years dealing with infertility. We spent a long time trying to conceive on our own, then we sought medical assistance. After 4 failed IUIs...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression: The Emotional Ups and DownsPostpartum depression can manifest in many ways. Feelings could become too big and too heavy. Or perhaps you stop feeling at all, and you're just stuck in an apathetic purgatory...Reactions0reactions
Trying CBD for Postpartum Anxiety and DepressionI never expected navigating postpartum life to be so hard. Joy filled my heart as I brought my child into the world, but a cloud of anxiety and thoughts of...Reactions0reactions
Body Image and Our Negative Reflection PostpartumBody positivity has been a very influential movement in the nation in the last decade. It has made a large impact on me because I've always had a poor mental...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression While ParentingWhile I struggled through postpartum anxiety (PPA) and postpartum depression (PPD) with the birth of my daughter 4.5 years ago, I had all of the resources I needed in place...Reactions0reactions
My Postpartum Depression Prevention Plan for Baby Number 2I described experiencing postpartum depression after having our first son late in 2018. I knew what the symptoms looked like, but my pride and ego would not allow me to...Reactions0reactions
The Fall is Easier Than the RiseDespite having my postpartum depression mostly under control, I still have my moments and days I struggle. Sometimes the struggle is moderate. Other times the struggle is hard. One event...Reactions0reactions
Finding a Therapist Who Specializes Postpartum DepressionAs someone who lived with depression and anxiety prior to trying to conceive and during my pregnancy, I had already spent years with my trustworthy therapist. We'd done so much...Reactions0reactions
Finding Your Way Through Postpartum Blues Without MomAs a first-time mother, I was excited as my due date approached. I had spent countless hours pouring over books and attending parenting classes, envisioning all the magical moments I...Reactions0reactions
The Unrealistic Expectations of MotherhoodIt didn't just suddenly dawn on me that women have never been treated equally. As my mom would paraphrase from an old comic in Spanish, Mafalda, "Las mujeres han jugado...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression... This Doesn't Feel Fair?During the struggle with postpartum depression (PPD) we are often inundated with so many thoughts and feelings we must wade through to keep our head above water. This round of...Reactions0reactions