Avoiding Other New Parents During Postpartum DepressionWe've all been there. We’ve all seen the way that the pregnancy and postpartum period has been glorified. Look at this perfect baby you have! You're so lucky! They're so...Reactions0reactions
Managing Fears of Spiraling Back Into DepressionThere are times when I am in certain situations now, that I feel like I may fall back into postpartum depression. Even after women have been treated, postpartum depression increases...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression and Marriage: Reigniting the Spark After the StormThe miracle of life is beautiful, but sometimes, it can be too much for people. Postpartum depression hits hard, like a tidal wave crashing down on them. No wonder new...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Anxiety in the Fourth TrimesterI've shared a lot on pregnancy and postpartum depression (PPD), but another common mental health challenge for new parents is pregnancy and/or postpartum anxiety (PPA). Approximately 10 percent of postpartum...Reactions0reactions
Being the World’s Okayest MomWhen the demon postpartum depression has its claws in me it likes to whisper all sorts of lies into my ears. One of the worst things postpartum depression likes to...Reactions0reactions
Real Talk: What Celebrity Moms Are Doing For PPD AwarenessTowards the end of 2018, I embraced becoming a stay-at-home mom. Amidst the comforting chaos of parenthood, I was submerged in a whirlwind of emotional highs and lows. Yet, nothing...Reactions0reactions
Misconceptions vs. Realities of Postpartum DepressionI struggled a lot to come to terms with postpartum depression. Even after being diagnosed, I still had a lot of doubts. Part of it was because I didn't feel...Reactions0reactions
Parenting a Newborn with DepressionPostpartum depression can look different for each individual person, just as regular depression may present itself differently - some aspects or symptoms being more prevalent or severe in some individuals...Reactions0reactions
Coping Tools for Postpartum Depression: Take Our PollsPostpartum depression is hard. And it can feel like an uphill battle trying to find ways to cope. Tools, techniques, therapies... There's a lot out there. So where do you...Reactions0reactions
How To Ask for Help With PPDThere is a common saying about raising children: "It takes a village." The concept itself sounds wonderful. It's collaboration, cooperation, and support from family and friends who can help the...Reactions0reactions
Finding Your Anchor Through the Storm of Postpartum DepressionThere are many things that I use daily to help treat my postpartum depression (PPD) but the most consistent thing that I turn to is my faith. I was baptized...Reactions0reactions
Why Aren't We Talking Enough About Postpartum Depression?Embarking on the journey of motherhood is painted as this beautiful, joy-filled experience, and for many, it undoubtedly is. Yet, the unspoken truth lingers beneath the surface. Why is it...Reactions0reactions
Struggling With PPD? 5 Suggestions to Help Get Through the DayAs someone who has experienced postpartum depression (PPD) after living with regular daily depression, I've learned that there are parts of my mood I have control over actively shifting, and...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression and the Medication Roller CoasterSo, you've got the diagnosis of postpartum depression. Now what? Many physicians will likely start with a prescription for medication in order to help you cope with your symptoms. There...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression and Deciding to Not Have More ChildrenI have 2 beautiful toddler boys. They are hilarious, loving, smart, rambunctious, and wild! Sometimes moody and have huge emotions. They are also healthy and are developing into great little...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Real Talk: Dealing with Depression and Body ImageScrolling through my Instagram feed during pregnancy, I found myself captivated by the seemingly effortless transformations of other expecting mothers. Their "snap-back" posts showcased sleek figures, flat tummies, and radiant...Reactions0reactions
How Can You Prepare For Postpartum Depression?I have lived with depression on and off since my teenage years. Sometimes it was better controlled, other times it was extremely challenging. I'd been on and off medications –...Reactions0reactions
How My Marriage Survived PPDI resented him. As a person, as my partner, and his profession. He has the option (and privilege) to get up every day and go to work. As a pediatric...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression After MiscarriageAfter pregnancy, some people feel persistent moderate to deep sadness (depression) and other painful feelings. All are considered part of postpartum depression. And they are not reserved for those who...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Feelings of RegretYou've had a brand new baby, or maybe you have a newly toddling toddler. Congratulations! Yet, maybe you aren't so excited about it. Life is different now, whether it's your...Reactions0reactions