10 Things You Should Remember When Dealing with PPDRecently I heard the song "Numb Little Bug" by Em Beihold on the radio. I have heard that song many times before, but it made me wonder if it was...Reactions0reactions
Navigating the Rollercoaster of Milk Levels and PPDIt was unexpected but thrilling when my son was born a month early. However, despite his early arrival, there was one issue – he had trouble latching on to my...Reactions0reactions
Depression While Trying to Conceive a Second ChildOur daughter was an IVF baby. Before I got pregnant with her, we tried for a year on our own, then we went through nearly a year of fertility treatments...Reactions0reactions
The Search for a Doctor for Postpartum CareAt the age of 16, I was diagnosed with mild to moderate depression. I remember the fear I had to speak up about how I'd been feeling. On this day...Reactions0reactions
Giveaway CLOSED: Build Your Own Care Package!This giveaway ran in May-June 2024 an is now closed. ----- This giveaway will give 1 lucky winner the chance to create their own Custom Care Package from Good Grief...Reactions0reactions
Managing Your Own Mental Health In the NICUThe neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a hospital unit dedicated to babies who are born very early, known as "premature," or babies who need extra care. This care may...Reactions0reactions
Is There a Link Between Fertility Issues and Postpartum Depression?Postpartum depression (PPD) can affect any parent after a baby is born. It is hard to know who might experience postpartum depression. But certain factors can increase or decrease the...Reactions0reactions
Mom to Mom: Why I Regret Donating My PlacentaAs a new mom, I was faced with a decision that I had not anticipated before the arrival of my baby: what to do with my placenta. I was asked...Reactions0reactions
Depression While Undergoing Failed IVFAfter a year of trying to conceive a second child, we returned to IVF. Due to COVID delays (IVF was not an essential procedure, and therefore was not immediately available...Reactions0reactions
Getting a Diagnosis: Hurdles in Identifying Postpartum DepressionFrom an outsider's perspective, it might seem easy enough to get a diagnosis of postpartum depression (PPD). Unfortunately, seeking out a diagnosis for any ailment, physical or mental, can often...Reactions0reactions
Types of Couples TherapyPostpartum depression (PPD) can cause strain on a marriage or relationship. Depression, coupled with a new baby to take care of and other changes, can create challenges in your partnership...Reactions0reactions
The 2024 Social Health Awards ProgramEditorial Note: Nominations for 2024 are now closed. We are very excited to announce the launch of the 2024 Social Health Awards program! The Social Health Awards is an awards...Reactions0reactions
Body Image and Postpartum DepressionEditor's Note: For simplicity and ease of reading, in this community, we use the term "mothers" to refer to pregnant people and those who have given birth. But we want...Reactions0reactions
Yes, You Can Have Postpartum Depression and Still Love Your BabyBecoming a mother is a life-changing experience. Nothing compares to the joy and excitement of holding your newborn baby for the first time. However, along with the joy of motherhood...Reactions0reactions
Navigating PPD With the Help of Medicine and TherapyWe decided to embrace the chaos as a family and our second child was born. He had some breathing problems and had to be admitted to the NICU. Not leaving...Reactions0reactions
Surviving Postpartum Depression as a CoupleSurviving postpartum depression as a couple can be a challenge, but a very rewarding one with effort. Too often, we hear heartbreaking testimonies of relationships unraveling as one partner grapples...Reactions0reactions
Struggles in Bonding With Your BabyAs a doula, I've spoken with many new parents about struggles in bonding with their new baby. Whether it takes minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months, for some parents...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Pressure: Society's "Standards" (and Stigmas)Postpartum is hard. Postpartum depression (PPD) makes it harder. Add in the societal stigma mothers face with the diagnosis, and existence becomes even more difficult. Of all the people in...Reactions0reactions
What to Know About Postpartum Depression in MenMany people assume postpartum depression (PPD) only affects women. However, new fathers can also experience depression after their child is born. PPD is not diagnosed as much as it occurs...Reactions0reactions
Reparenting My Inner Child as a New MotherWith the help of therapy, I have been exploring the idea of reparenting my inner child. We all have an inner child who has experienced trauma in life, which can...Reactions0reactions