How Could I Have PPD When My Life Was So Great?When I was much younger, even before I thought I wanted kids, I remember my mom telling me a story about her experience with postpartum depression (PPD). For the first...Reactions0reactions
Therapy Sessions and Writing: Finding My PPD Coping MechanismsAre there any moms out there who feel like they may be struggling with postpartum depression but aren't ready to seek therapy just yet? I understand that admitting you need...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression in Transgender or Gender Nonbinary (TGNB) ParentsThe terms "transgender" and "nonbinary" refer to people whose perception of their own gender differs from the sex they were assigned at birth (male or female). For example, transgender men...Reactions0reactions
Early-Pregnancy DepressionIt was 5:00 a.m. on "test day" – 8 days after my frozen embryo transfer, and I was alone in my bathroom, holding my breath as I waited for my...Reactions0reactions
How Long Does Postpartum Depression Last?As a new mom, I was hit with a wave of emotions I never thought possible. The joy and excitement of bringing a new life into the world was overwhelming...Reactions0reactions
Breastfeeding and Postpartum DepressionThe relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum depression (PPD) is complicated. Years of research on breastfeeding and maternal mental health have mixed and often conflicting results. While the connection between PPD...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum Depression After a Miscarriage and Infant LossThis is probably the hardest post I'll write. But I think it's critical to write, because there wasn't anything I could find on the topic when I initially looked, 2...Reactions0reactions
Want to Write for Us?Would you like to share your experience with postpartum depression and help others? We're looking to add new voices to our Patient Leader team and would love to meet you!...Reactions0reactions
How My Doula Helped Me Spot the Signs of Postpartum DepressionIn 2018, we met our excellent doula, Vanessa Johnson, via a referral and immediately knew she would be the one. Her fantastic energy radiated, and right away, I felt so...Reactions0reactions
Postpartum AnxietyDeveloping anxiety after having a baby is not uncommon. According to a 2018 study, 1 in 5 women are highly anxious during the postpartum period, which begins after the birth...Reactions0reactions
Depression and InfertilityI recently shared how I managed my depression while trying to conceive. About 10 months into that journey, I decided to seek help (and ask questions) from my OB. While...Reactions0reactions
Finding Light Through the GuiltAs a new mom, I remember gazing into my newborn son's eyes and feeling such intense joy that it brought tears to my eyes. After all, this was the little...Reactions0reactions
What Are the Differences Between Postpartum Depression and "Regular" Depression?Having a baby can be an exciting and happy time. But for some people who have given birth, it can come with negative emotions or even postpartum depression (PPD). PPD...Reactions0reactions
Trying to Conceive While Managing DepressionI was diagnosed with depression in 2013, 4 years later than I should've been, and a year before I met my now husband. I was medicated and in therapy, and...Reactions0reactions
The Impact of Postpartum Depression on a Couple's RelationshipHaving a baby is a big event for couples, and it brings lots of happiness. But sometimes, it can also bring some challenges, like postpartum depression (PPD). PPD can change...Reactions0reactions
My Signs of Postpartum DepressionBecoming a first-time mother is one of the most exciting life events. It's a time filled with joy, happiness, and anticipation. However, when the baby arrives, it can also be...Reactions0reactions
Third Trimester DepressionThe third trimester of pregnancy is the one where you're supposed to "relax" and prepare, right? On one hand, we were looking for a new house, preventing my ability to...Reactions0reactions
Mother-to-Infant Bonding and Postpartum DepressionSome mothers will feel an instant, deep bond with their baby. But this may not happen immediately for all parents. Not having an instant bond is very normal. For many...Reactions0reactions
Loneliness, Isolation, and Postpartum DepressionThe arrival of a new baby is often described as a time of joy and celebration. But for many new mothers, this time can also bring feelings of loneliness and...Reactions0reactions
Why Is It So Hard to Find a Therapist?For some people living with postpartum depression, deciding to reach out to a therapist can be a difficult decision. But this decision can be even harder when it is hard...Reactions0reactions